We have gifted Knutsford Rugby Club £1,000 from its Knutsford Community Fund, a voluntary scheme linked to the Tabley Park development. In total Redrow has shared £10,000 amongst good causes in the area.
Club president Tony Evans said: “The pitches we use at Knutsford Academy for all matches is only about 200 metres from the Tabley Park development, on the opposite side of the A5033.
“As a local community sports club we need to raise money to maintain and improve our facilities and equipment for the benefit of our players, both senior and junior. We applied to Redrow for help and received £1,000 which we’ve put to good use by purchasing post protectors. Safety covering of the goal posts on the rugby pitch is essential to protect players from injury and we're grateful to Redrow for their support.”
KRFC has around 300 members including juniors from age six. Its first team plays in the NOWIRUL The Right Broker Division 2 South league.
Area sales manager Amanda Hollins said: “The voluntary community fund programme is part of our commitment to creating thriving communities and building responsibly, helping support the growth of the neighbourhoods we operate in. With Knutsford Rugby Club playing so close to our Tabley Park development it was an obvious choice to support. We’re happy to be helping keep players safe while enjoying the sport they love.”
Along with new homes, our Tabley Park development will also include the creation of a large area of open space, a football pitch, allotment areas, orchard and children’s play area, enabling residents of the growing community to enjoy the outdoors close to home.
Find out more information about homes at Tabley Park, visit the show homes, open daily from 10am to 5.30pm or call 01565 859509.