What were you doing before becoming a Redrow apprentice?
Nothing much, I just came out of school and was looking into what was the best route for me.
What made you choose an apprenticeship?
My family encouraged me to pursue an apprenticeship. I never really considered university as I wanted to get on with something more hands on and felt like I had already done my stint in education and was ready for the next chapter.
What have you enjoyed about your apprenticeship?
I love meeting lots of people, it’s such a nice environment and I’m so happy to be here.
What does your day-to-day role look like?
After a cup of tea in the morning, I look at my planner where I divide up my tasks for the following day, then I go speak with my line manager and ask him what I should do. I try and learn as much as possible.
What do you enjoy the most about your role?
I love the design of [Redrow] houses and looking at all the different perspectives. It’s so interesting to see how the home looks from its first sketch onto completion.
What’s your favourite house type?
The most expensive one! Probably the Richmond.
What are your short-term and long-term goals?
Short term, I would like to be in a stable role in the company. Long term, I would like to move further up the chain and become the next technical director for the Midlands.
What advice would you give to someone exploring an apprenticeship?
I would say go for it – I think it’s the best way to go! It’s so much better to do something hands on. For example, those who simply study courses don’t have a real grasp of what the day-to-day role would look like, it’s a lot of theory. But when you’re on an apprenticeship, you’re doing the job straight away and that’s very valuable and better prepares you for the world of work.
What skills do you think you need for an apprenticeship?
You might not know everything straight away, so you have to have the confidence to be yourself and put your best foot forward, but also admit your mistakes.