Enjoy peace of mind when you buy a new home with Redrow
At Redrow we are committed to the Consumer Code for Home Builders to ensure that we deliver the highest quality homes and customer service to those who choose Redrow. This code applies to all customers who reserved their homes before the 4th October 2022.
Customers who reserved their home after the 4th October 2022 are instead covered by the New Homes Quality Code.
How the Consumer Code looks after you
The Consumer Code is the rule book that all Home Builders have to follow and adhere to with their marketing, selling and aftersales care. It helps us to consistently deliver high levels of customer service and improve customer satisfaction by reinforcing best practice.
What is the Consumer Code?
The Consumer Code for Home Builders is an industry led scheme that was put in place to give protection and rights to people purchasing new homes. The Code covers every stage of the home-buying process – pre-contract, exchange of contract and during occupation. It also ensures that home buyers are treated fairly, know what service levels to expect and are given enough reliable information upon which to make their purchasing decisions.
Who is covered by the Consumer Code?
The Consumer Code applies to every new home being built under the insurance protection of NHBC, Premier Guarantee or LABC Warranty. Between them, these bodies cover 90% of the new Homes built in the UK. As Redrow is registered with NHBC we ensure that all of our homes adhere to the requirements and principles of the consumer code.
More information
To find out more, download a full copy of the 4th Edition Consumer Code Scheme.
For any further information on the Consumer Code visit www.consumercode.co.uk.