Charter for Safe Working Practice - Covid-19
During the coronavirus pandemic the health and well being of our workforce, visitors to site and the local community is our number one priority.Home-building has a major role to play in helping our economy recover from the impact of coronavirus. The Government is supportive of construction activity continuing where it is safe to do so. Home building supports hundreds of thousands of jobs and thousands of businesses. It also provides billions of pounds to improve local infrastructure in the areas where new homes are built.
We all share the responsibility to ensure that this site can operate safely and in accordance with Government advice.

We will do that by:
• Working with our workforce, subcontractors and suppliers to develop and share detailed safe working practices
• Only undertaking operations we know can be carried out safely
• Establishing safe access and egress to the site
• Providing safe shared facilities
• Giving all site visitors a safety induction to ensure they fully understand the measures in place the site to protect them and others
• Ensuring measures are in place to enable anyone on site to abide by social distancing guidance and taking mitigating action to reduce the risk of transmission where not possible
• Having clean welfare facilities and hand washing points and sanitisers across the site
• Developing detailed policies that allow customers to visit sites and view homes safely and in accordance with all social distancing guidelines
• Communicating with our neighbours so they are aware we are working to Government guidelines
• Ensuring that compliance with these rules is monitored very closely. Any person found to be breaking these rules will be removed from site and may not be allowed to return.
Stewart Baseley Executive Chairman HBFWe are asking all visitors to our site to:
• Register with the site management team upon arrival for a coronavirus briefing
• Stay at home if they have any coronavirus symptoms or are living with someone who has
• Apply government guidance for safer travel, including the avoidance of use of public transport where possible
• Take time to understand and comply with all guidance provided, in particular with regards to social distancing
• Report any concerns to the site manager/coordinator
Our trained site management and sales teams will be able to answer any questions workers and visitors may have. These rules will be updated according to any changes in Government guidance or Construction Leadership Council Site Operating Procedures.
Robert Jenrick Secretary of State for Housing