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Siddington - Shared Ownership
The Mallards,South Cerney,Gloucestershire,GL7 5TQ Map
Available for 70% of the market value with discounted ownership, The Siddington is the affordable take on executive living. Perfect for singles, couples or young families, this two bedroom home makes clever use of its already generous spaces. A fully fitted kitchen, which is the pinnacle of contemporary living, complements an open plan lounge/dining area. Upstairs, the house benefits from two double bedrooms and a sophisticated bathroom.
The traditional, Arts and Craft-inspired exteriors reflect the skill and expertise that has gone into the building of the Siddington. The décor and interiors have also been planned with faultless attention to detail, with the modern feature helping to make busy lifestyles easier.
Proving that luxury isn’t reserved to more expensive properties, The Siddington encompasses all of the characteristics of the rest of our New Heritage collection at a pleasing price.